Thursday, April 10, 2008

Being the 'sweet tooth' that I am, I found myself doing a search of the word 'cupcake' on Etsy a couple of weeks ago. I am not sure what I was looking for exactly. I happened to come upon a little shop that sells hand-knitted & crocheted accessories called Nini's Handmades. I immediately fell in love with the little yellow cupcake pouch in the upper right hand photo. I purchased it and just a few days later it arrived in my mailbox. I was having a bad day, which all changed as soon as I opened the package. Not only was the pouch adorable, the craftsmanship was amazing. I immediately transfered my money, cell phone and credit cards from my Coach wristlet into the cupcake pouch. I then went straight to my computer and asked Nini if she could make a purse and makeup bag that matched. She was happy to do this for me and less than a week later the bags arrived! Since then, I have also purchased the other pouches in the photo. I adore all of them and the only problem is that I can never make up my mind which one to use each day! Already I have had several people ask me 'where on earth did you get that?'. I love her products so much that we are currently teaming up to offer you beautiful new gift sets (which I will announce very shortly). Nini's products are not only very reasonably priced, but she could quite possibly be the sweetest person that I have ever delt with. Nini even donates 10% of all sales to charity! Please check out her etsy site: Nini's Handmades.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Black Apple!

I have always been very picky when it comes to choosing artwork to hang in our home. Because of this our walls have remained mostly bare for quite a while. About 6 months ago I was browsing on and happened to come across a shop called 'The Black Apple' run by a super sweet girl named Emily Martin. I am usually VERY lucky to find one piece of artwork in a gallery that I would consider purchasing for our home. When I browsed through Emily's store I had the opposite problem! I could not find a single painting that I did not want to NOT buy! I now own about 20 pieces of her work and my walls are no longer bare! I took pictures (above) of some of the pieces I have purchased that are hanging in various areas of our home. These pictures do not do her work justice. If you would like to visit Emily's store just click on the following link:The Black Apple! Apparently I am not the only one who loves The Black Apple because Emily is currently the number one seller on Etsy and was recently on the Martha Stewart show! My only problem now is that I am running out of room in our house to hang her beautiful artwork! Time to remodel :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hanging Scented Cupcakes!

While I was sculpting bath bomb decorations one day I decided to try something a little new to me. I molded a few cute little cupcakes out of polymer clay (which I scented in vanilla buttercream) and strung them from a wire. A formed a mini "clothes hanger" at the top, so that the cupcakes could be hung on a door knob, cabinet knob, or rear-view mirror! I was very happy with how they turned out, so I decided to add them to my store. They are somewhat time consuming to make, so currently they are available exclusively at I have the one shown in the picture hanging from my bedroom doorknob. It looks super cute hanging there! In the near future I will be making hanging lollipops, cotton candy, icecream cones, ect.